Thursday, 20 December 2007

Educational Games

Playing games at home with your children will not only help them with all essential numeracy and literacy but will also encourage them to share, communicate and will have a great impact on their understanding of family life. We are all busy people alway rushing about, never taking time to sit down and spend quality time with our children. Encouraging family time together will not only be beneficial for you now but your children when they become parents.

Simple card games, board games and even traditional party games will give children quality time to bond with you. It's all too easy to say "Oh later, I'm too busy now, come back later" but we all know later sometimes never. Make a point of setting aside time to play a game, it won't take long and you will find qualities in your child you may not have seen for a long time.

Some of my favourite are simple games like "I Spy", Card Games and board games like Shopping List and Pass the Word. Even games like Ludo and Snap will encourage children to share and count.

Friday, 14 December 2007

National Year of Reading 2008

The 2008 National Year of Reading will create a powerful focus of opportunities and activities so that children, families and adult learners understand the benefits that reading for pleasure and purpose can bring to change their lives."
The National Literacy Trust and The Reading Agency are leading a consortium of organisations committed to promoting reading to manage the National Year of Reading 2008 (NYR) on behalf of the DCSF. For more information read the press release.The NYR will run from January to December 2008. From January to March organisations and authorities will be asked to take the Reading Challenge, to pledge and plan their support. Delivery of the NYR will be launched in April 2008.

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Bedlam Cube

The Bedlam Cube has 19,186 different solutions!
Everytime it is attempted it is different and becomes addictive
Playing the Bedlam cube is educational and improves spatial awareness & hand eye co-ordination.
The Bedlam Cube is a British Invention
Unlike other Puzzle Cubes it has NO additional needless packaging!
The Bedlam Cube consists of 13 unique geometric shapes
The Bedlam Cube is a personal challenge

World Class Education

The Government is set to unveil its ten-year plan aimed at giving every child in England a 'world class' education.
Schools Secretary Ed Balls will outline the sweeping reforms as part of the new Children's Plan which heralds a major shift in the Government's approach to dealing with youngsters.
He said he wants Britain to be 'the best place in the world for children to grow up' and the document will cover every aspect of children's lives from how they spend their free time to the role their parents play in their education.
The plan includes foreign languages to be taught in primary schools and changes to national Sats tests.
It will also attempt to revive the key role parents play in their children's education and that every child will have a personal tutor who knows them 'in the round' and will act as the main point of contact for parents.
Additionally, parents' complaints will be handled more clearly and openly, and they will be given 'regular, up-to-date information' on their child's attendance, behaviour in class and educational progress.
The plan's publication comes a month after an academic report said the Government had spent £500 million in a failed attempt to boost reading standards in primary schools in the seven years to 2005.
And it follows a Government survey published last month on the well-being of children which found more needed to be done to close the gap in achievement for children from deprived backgrounds.
As part of the plan, former director of schools inspectorate Ofsted, Jim Roseor, will conduct a 'root and branch' review of primary education, the first in more than a decade.
Mr Balls said at the weekend: 'He will look at the primary curriculum and see how we can take out some of the clutter, reduce the number of set subjects so that we have more space for maths and have more space for reading.'
He said pupils could be tested when they are ready, rather than all at the same time, if a pilot programme currently under way in 500 schools proves successful.
However, Sats will not be abolished, despite pressure from teaching unions and education academics who say they put unneeded pressure on pupils, parents, schools and teachers.
Mr Balls added: 'I think parents want to know the information, not only about their child but how their school is doing.'

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Story Sack

A story sack is a large cloth bag containing a children's book with supporting materials to stimulate reading activities and make shared reading a memorable and enjoyable experience. The sack contains soft toys of the book's main characters, and props and scenery that parents and other adults can use with children to bring a book to life, even if the adult's reading skills are limited. The sack might include a non-fiction book on the same theme, an audio-tape of the story, a language-based game and a short guide containing questions to ask, words to consider and other ways to extend the reading activity.

Story Sacks were developed by Neil Griffiths, formally a head teacher in Swindon, who now directs the National Support Project for Storystacks on behalf of the Basic Skills Agency. The initiative has now spread to schools, pre-schools and libraries throughout the country. They are designed to help adults share books with children in a way that is positive, theatrical, special, interactive and fun. Available to buy online at Storysacks

Sunday, 2 September 2007

45 High Frequecy Year Words

Numeracy and Literacy are vial skills which every child need to learn properly. The National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy is at the heart of the drive to raise stadatds in schools.

Visit us online at to receive you free download of the 45 high Frequency Year Words which every child is expected to recognise by the end of the their Reception school year.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Jolly Phonics

In Jolly Phonics the 42 main sounds of English are taught, not just the alphabet. You can listen to the letter sounds HERE
Parental support is important to all children as they benefit from plenty of praise and encouragement whilst learning. Not all children find it easy to learn and blend sounds. Children should learn each letter by its sound, not its name. So learning 'a' is for applpe, 'b' is for ball, 'c' is for cat ranther than learning the ABC.

Friday, 17 August 2007

Spend a little time with your children

We all want to do the best for our children, encourage them, praise them and we want them to do well at school. Spending quality time with your children will help them to learn the fundemental qualities of life. So reading, playing games, talking to each other will help them develope essential skills.